XDX Charts

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Target Platform: Windows
Version: 12.2.4
Release Date: March 9, 2013
License: Freeware
Price: USD 0
Publisher: XDX Charts
Product Web Site: [External Link]
XDX Charts
2.32 Mb

Description by the Publisher

Free for DevExpress VCL Subscribers -
If you own the DevExpress VCL subscription, you can use the latest XDX Charts components version absolutely for free.
DevExpress Controls Descendant -
It is easy for you to deal with XDX Charts and use it if you are a DevExpress VCL customer.
Easy to Customize -
XDX Charts has an embedded customization popup menu to easily access required properties.
Support for Variety Data Sources -
XDX Charts supports both DB and unbound data.
Data Grouping -
XDX Charts allows you to set grouping criteria to extract series data.
Independent Data Series -
XDX Charts is able to display data from multiple data sources.
Built-in Analizer Formulas -
XDX Charts allows you to build a graph of any function.

Limitations in the Downloadable Version

No limitations

Product Identity

Unique Product ID: PID-8000EEF7263C

Unique Publisher ID: BID-7000EEF7263C

[XDX Charts PAD XML File]
