The 64 Bit Temple Operating System

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Target Platform: Windows
Version: 4.07
Release Date: June 2, 2016
License: Freeware
Price: USD 0
Publisher: Temple Operating System
Product Web Site: [External Link]
64-Bit (x86_64) Operating System for the PC
16.99 Mb

Description by the Publisher

TempleOS is a free, public domain, open source, x86_64, non-preemptive multi-tasking, multi-cored, ring-0-only, single-address-map (identity-mapped), non-networked, PC operating system. Paging is, basically, not used.

Includes 64-bit compiler, assembler, unassembler, boot loaders, games, utilities and tools, graphics library, support for VGA, keyboard, mouse, CD/DVD, hard drives.

You will probably run it in VMware, VirtualBox or QEMU, however, it does work natively on some 64-bit machines from 2004-2011.

Limitations in the Downloadable Version

No limitations

Product Identity

Unique Product ID: PID-C300C54C0DF1

Unique Publisher ID: BID-B300C54C0DF1

[The 64 Bit Temple Operating System PAD XML File]
