Sudoku Game Solver Generator for Windows

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Target Platform: Windows
Version: 1.0.0
Release Date: June 21, 2017
License: Freeware
Price: USD 0
Publisher: Open Source Developer Federica Domani
Product Web Site: [External Link]
Sudoku Game Solver Generator for Windows
2.13 Mb

Description by the Publisher

This is the free professional Sudoku game for Windows PC Desktop. It includes comfort playing experience with undo steps and powerful Sudoku game generator with different difficulty levels. Also one can create Sudoku game manually and print it on an A4/Letter paper. There is a tutorial mode with solving hints for newbies. Also there is High Score table and built-in timer for professionals.

The Sudoku generation algorithm used by this app is my ultimate proud. Primarily it was based on a Deep Neural Network. But I analyzed more than 100 scientific publications on Sudoku generation problem and have reduced the Deep Neural Network to a relatively simple and very elegant deterministic algorithm that works pretty fast. As a result, the app can generate Sudoku fields in 7 difficulty levels from 'Yellow Belt' to 'Sudoku Game Jedi Master'.

The application supports Quick Start mode for impatient people, see features below [QS Step 1] and [QS Step 2] (buttons in an application window).

- Automatic Sudoku generation with different difficulty levels [QS Step 1].
- Simple playing mode with undo-steps and built-in timer [QS Step 2].
- Tutorial mode with solving hints for newbies.
- Printing capabilities to A4/Letter paper with any installed Windows printers.
- Load or save current game state to a file to resume playing later.
- User can input Sudoku from an external web-site, magazine or newspaper manually and solve it by the built-in solver.
- Very compact installer includes all the stuff in less than 2.2 MBytes and can be downloaded in few seconds even with poor Internet connection.
- Absolutely independent on .Net framework, side DLL or any 3rd party components - it can be run on bare Windows 7 to 10 operating system.
- Free open source application with all the professional capabilities without Ads today and forever.

Limitations in the Downloadable Version

No limitations

Product Identity

Unique Product ID: PID-DC00B0FC61FB

Unique Publisher ID: BID-CC00CFCC41FB

[Sudoku Game Solver Generator for Windows PAD XML File]
