Invantive Dotnet Optimizer

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Target Platform: Windows
Version: 2016R1
Release Date: October 1, 2015
License: Freeware
Price: USD 0
Publisher: Invantive Software B.V.
Product Web Site: [External Link]
Optimize start time of .NET applications
429 Kb

Description by the Publisher

Free Graphical User Interface for NGEN

Invantive Dotnet Optimizer provides a graphical user interface to NGEN. It allows you to easily optimize the start time of your Microsoft .NET applications by pre-compiling the executable and related assemblies into native code.

32 and 64 bit native versions

The Dotnet Optimizer always generates both 32 and 64 bit native versions of your code, since subtleties in how .NET chooses the runtime version easily impact the performance perceived by your end users. The Invantive Dotnet Optimizer ensures your users wait till the compilation into native code has been finished.

Easy to bundle

You can facilitate your end users by packaging the executable as a resource in your assembly. From the menu, you can unpack it and run it with elevated privileges. The Invantive Dotnet Optimizer has been tested to correctly process ClickOnce applications as well as VSTO-based add-ins for Microsoft Office deployed through ClickOnce.

Tips for NGEN

Please note that Microsoft NGEN generates a log file. As described on you can increase the verbosity to analyse issues during the creation of native code. Also, you can use the Fusion Log Viewer to analyze the loading of your assemblies.

Limitations in the Downloadable Version


Product Identity

Unique Product ID: PID-F6008798A3E3

Unique Publisher ID: BID-0300B4A56C74

[Invantive Dotnet Optimizer PAD XML File]
