Enigma in the Wine Cellar
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Search for items in a 3D maze.
3.81 Mb |
Description by the Publisher
'Enigma in the Wine Cellar' is a FREEWARE exploration puzzle game. Activate mechanisms, climb stairs and ladders, wade through water, scramble over ceiling handbars and catwalks to explore underground passages and rooms in search of numerous items. Be wary of confusion traps and dead-end rooms. The game is played from a first person point-of-view, and contains three-dimensional multi-level rooms. Seven game maps are included, which vary in complexity. This game was ported to the Linux OS from the Palm OS. The game sounds were recreated using Audacity 2.0.5, and are played using the Libcanberra sound library. The game was written in C++ using Anjuta 3.10.2 IDE, with GTK+ 3 for the user interface and OpenGL for image rendering.
Limitations in the Downloadable Version
No limitations
Product Identity
Unique Product ID: PID-5900004178F6
Unique Publisher ID: BID-490068F158F6
[Enigma in the Wine Cellar PAD XML File]