Cute Sticky Notes for win8 10+
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Take Notes, Set Reminder.
546 Kb |
Description by the Publisher
Hide note to screen edge.
Store your encrypted images, documents, etc,
You can Drag & drop (or copy & paste) files between desktop folder and note.
Easy Searching text in notes.
Pin notes to window or program(e.g. web browser, word, excel).
Let notes stay on top, or pin notes to desktop, notes will not hide even pressed Win+D.
Read & Write your encrypted notes Anywhere through internet by Sync,
You can store your private notes in internet safely even you format your PC for re-install clear OS.
Set powerful reminder.
Limitations in the Downloadable Version
No limitations
Product Identity
Unique Product ID: PID-E6000732F1A4
Unique Publisher ID: BID-B6009FE8C1A4
[Cute Sticky Notes for win8 10+ PAD XML File]