Chess PDF Browser

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Target Platform: Windows
Version: 1.20
Release Date: February 13, 2021
License: Freeware
Price: USD 0
Publisher: Francisco Javier Rojas Garrido
Product Web Site: [External Link]
Application to browse for chess books.
2 Kb

Description by the Publisher

Application to browse for chess books in PDF format and extract their games in PGN format.
* Allows you to extract games from the PDF.
* Extraction of standard tags from those games (Player names, ELOs, ...).
* OCR (Fen string detection from images).
* Allows you to edit the tree variants.
* Supports PGN (loading and saving).
* Allows editing associated TAGs for each game.
* Allows you to edit the NAGS and comments for each move.
* Allows you to configure from the starting position.
* While browsing for variants of extracted games, you can look through the book in PDF.
* Uci chess engine support.
* Position analysis.
* Full game analysis.
* You can play games.
* Its multi-platform (programmed in Java).
* You can zoom the view (interesting when using it with high density dpi screens)
* Its multi-language (Spanish, English, Catalan, and Russian are supported).
* Command line version included (pdf2pgn).
* The source code is available. (open source).

* Having JRE-8 installed (Java-8)

Limitations in the Downloadable Version

No limitations

Product Identity

Unique Product ID: PID-2000DF44EF24

Unique Publisher ID: BID-1000DF44EF24

[Chess PDF Browser PAD XML File]
