Book Description Editor
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Description editor for Amazon websiste
953 Kb |
Description by the Publisher
Professional descriptions of your books on using HTML markup attract more readers and sell more books.
Book Description Editor helps you to create professional descriptions for your self-published Kindle books to use with the Kindle publishing platform.
No HTML knowledge is required, you eimply enter the description of your book into plain text fields and Book Description Editor automatically formats your description to make full use of the formatting styles allowed by Amazon.
With Book Description Editor you can:
Create attention grabbing descriptions that look great on Amazon.
Easily highlight the key benefits of your book with bulleted lists.
Make sure your decription will look right by previewing how it will look before publishing.
Publish your book description in a couple of clicks - as easy as copy and paste.
Save time by creating Kindle and Createspace descriptions in a single file.
Try before you buy: fully featured trial version available.
Limitations in the Downloadable Version
Full version restricted to 15 uses
Product Identity
Unique Product ID: PID-930080FA7B37
Unique Publisher ID: BID-830080FA7B37
[Book Description Editor PAD XML File]