Bond Yield Calculator

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Target Platform: Windows
Version: 3.2
Release Date: September 5, 2016
License: Freeware
Price: USD 0
Publisher: Business Spreadsheets
Product Web Site: [External Link]
Bond and Loan Yield to Maturity calculator
90 Kb

Description by the Publisher

The Bond Yield Calculator for Excel or Open Office Calc enables the automatic generation of scheduled bond payments and the calculation of resulting yield to maturity. The bond yield to maturity calculator is designed to handle odd first time periods and is ideal to analyze bond payment schedules and yield to maturity calculations. The Bond Yield Calculator assists with input by providing automatic schedule creation and embedded help prompts. The number of decimal places can be specified to yield to maturity calculation. The automatic schedule includes cash flow, discount and principal outstanding for the bond schedules. A solving algorithm is employed to calculate the bond yield to maturity. The Bond Yield Calculator contains both an Excel and Open Office version with open source code for customization and compatibility across operating platforms.

Limitations in the Downloadable Version

No limitations

Product Identity

Unique Product ID: PID-7700F2671A29

Unique Publisher ID: BID-6700F2671A29

[Bond Yield Calculator PAD XML File]
